Here is a first in a series of reviews of underground hip hop from around the world. But what makes these reviews different from any that you would see in a magazine is that they are from the perspective of a hip hop consumer and music lover. Unlike most reviewers, record labels, producers and/or artists do not have me in their pockets so my opinions are unbiased. If it’s good, it gets the peace sign, and if it’s not, it gets the finger. With that said. On with the show.
Small Professor - Slowbus.
Many people say that hip hop has become over saturated and stagnant while simultaneously ignoring the underground. Enter Small Professor from Philadelphia. Just like a lot of music from Detroit, I have also been a big supporter of the music from Philly. From The old school Philly soul of Teddy P, the O’Jays and Jean Carne, to the Neo-Soul of Jill Scott to the organic hip hop of the Roots and everything in between. Small Pro is poised to become another chapter in those history books. Influenced by the late J Dilla (and by influenced, I don’t mean a blatant rip off) and Large Professor (hence the name), Slowbus goes hard with 13 tracks of straight heat. No corny synth riffs, no dumb ass dance moves and no incessant “yeahs”, “whats”, grunts or any other hip hop cliches. Just dope ass beats. The main head nodders are “John Henry”, “Winter Leaves pt. 0" and “December 6"...but those are just my favorites. I strongly recommend you cop this album as there is something you will dig. So it gets an emphatic peace sign from me.
Small Professor - Slowbus is available at:
and iTunes
and you can visit his myspace page :
2 years ago